Toxic Ingestion

Toxic Ingestion In Pets

Toxic ingestion occurs when pets ingest toxic ingredients. It presents an immediate threat to your pet’s life and you must seek emergency vet treatment immediately to address the problem. The Veterinary Outpatient Treatment Center in Medford understands the risks to your pet and offers emergency pet care to help your pet enjoy a speedy recovery, when possible, after toxic ingestion.

What Types of Things are Toxic for Pets?

Many things that are perfectly acceptable for humans to ingest are not the same to pets. This includes many food items you probably have in your home. Ordinary foods you eat every day may contain ingredients that can bring harm to your pet, including things like:

  • Raisins
  • Grapes
  • Avocados
  • Alcohol
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Xylitol
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Macadamia nuts

All of these are toxic to dogs and many to cats as well. The other thing to remember is that these are only food items. There are many other items that can make your pets violently ill, even lethally so, that are not food for humans, such as:

  • Human pain relievers
  • Human prescribed medications
  • Household cleaning products
  • Insecticides
  • Household plants (go through all your plants to identify those which may be harmful to your dog or your cat)
  • Antifreeze

The better you understand the things that pose a risk to your pets, the greater action you can take to reduce those risks or remove them completely from your home.

What to Do When Your Pet Consumes Dangerous Things?

Most pets are a lot like toddlers. They explore the world with their tongues and mouths. They taste, eat, and devour things that are not necessarily good for them all the time. When they ingest things that are downright dangerous for them, though, you need to seek emergency vet care immediately. This is a time when minutes matter and getting help quickly may save your pet’s life.

Visit Your Veterinarian Right Away when Toxic Ingestion Occurs

Contact Veterinary Outpatient Treatment Center in Medford when you need veterinarian care for suspected toxic ingestion. Early intervention is very important when it comes to your pet consuming a toxic object.


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