Cat Vaccinations

If you're a cat owner in the Medford area, let us be the veterinary facility that stands out from the generic corporate practices in New York.

Here at the Veterinary Outpatient Treatment Center, we believe your cat needs vaccines. We don't believe your cat needs every vaccine. We'll even tell you why — based on your cat's lifestyle — a bunch of vaccines may not be appropriate.

Most importantly, as a pet parent of a patient at our practice, we'll talk with you and not at you about cat vaccinations.


What types of vaccines should cats receive?

Supporting the health and well-being of your pet is important, and that's why a lot of cat owners walk in our door asking, "What types of vaccines should their cat receive?" Our philosophy is that not every vaccine will be beneficial to your cat, and it's best to create a plan based on their lifestyle and history. 

Generally, pets receive "core" vaccines recommended based on a particular area or geographic location. Why? Because the vaccines are designed to protect from diseases most common in that area. 

With that being said, an optimal vaccination plan for your cat would generally include feline panleukopenia, feline calicivirus, feline rhinotracheitis (or feline herpesvirus), and rabies.

Non-core vaccinations would be determined on a case-by-case basis and would be recommended if your cat is an indoor/outdoor cat or only lives outdoors.

How long are vaccines good for?

This is a bit of a tricky question and again will depend on the age, lifestyle, and overall health of your cat.

Kittens should start on their vaccinations as early as six weeks of age, and those vaccines should be repeated at intervals recommended by our veterinarian. Rabies vaccines can be given weeks later than the earliest vaccines but must be repeated a year later. For adult cats, our veterinarian will talk about proper vaccination intervals. Some vaccines need to be given at one-year intervals, while others don't need to be repeated for up to three years.

Are there risks with cat vaccinations?

Vaccinations are designed to provide immunity against certain diseases and lessen the severity of a disease if your cat does get sick. But there are risks associated with animal vaccines.

Rest assured, our staff takes every precaution to spread out vaccinations and minimize any adverse vaccine reactions (which are generally mild and short-term).  Our protocol ensures each client will be fully educated on potential reactions and what actions to take if one occurs. 

If you have questions or concerns about vaccinating your cat, our staff at the Veterinary Outpatient Treatment Center in Medford will be happy to help. Call us at (631) 730-6929 or email  [email protected].

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